I have my 4days 3night trip at Kch..It is quite a nice place.The day b4 20 Dec,i prepared and pack my stuff properly dy.I am quite curious cox i can have my trip wif my frens(Kelly,Osama,Pang Soon,Eddy,Hong Yew and Xiao Lai)..yea~We go Kch by plane and reach thr ard 1 o clock.Kch airport is reli much better than Sibu's 1.Its nice~We stay in HarbourView Hotel.The 1st day in Kch is quite boring.We dunno whr to go,we tiok ngek by a taxi driver.OMG the cost for the ride from hotel to crocodile farm is damn exp.And the crocodile are so stupid,and a lousy performace they show us.After tat we went shopping,the shopping mall are so small,and nth to buy at all.Some shirts are nice,but all of them are branded,so we didnt buy it cox we didnt bring much money.And finally dinner time is coming,after bathing,we went Top Spot,while goin thr,we met wif Kelly and her frens.We take some photos in front Hilton wif those nice deco stuff.After have our dinner,we have a walk at those small shopping mall.Ard 11,Mr.Richard phone mi and we go for supper.After tat he bring us and look ard at Kch.Thx him for the ride and thx him to let us save large amount of money.I went to find Kelly at Tune Hotel at 12sth..Its quite crazy,after da pao thr wif her frens,i went back to my hotel and continue talking wif Osama and Pang Soon,till 4sth we cai go sleep..
The 2nd day,we went Spring.Spring is sooooooooo nice.Thx Richard again for bringing us thr.Whole afternooon at Spring,i have my time wif Kelly.We buy some shirts and she buy mi a Hush Puppy knitting costume.Its so nice,i love it so much.And thx my mum for sending mi extra money and also i nid to thx Aunty Rosemary cox she is the 1 who bring it to mi^^After tat we continue our walk at Spring.Kuching's shopping mall really big different wif in Sibu,all the things are branded and exp,dun have palsu 1..haha..After some walk,we go have some donuts at Big Apple,thr are so many flovour of donuts thr,so delicious..Yummy~Ard 6 we meet wif Yew,Hong,Eddy and Xiao Lai in front Giordano.Xiao Lai and her fren went to movie and the rest of us back to hotel and have rest then we go to have a walk and dinner at Water Front.After tat we go and buy some junk food and "wine" at parkson,we goin to get high tat nite.All of us are crazy and hapi..Woot~And still i back at 1 sth.Scary~

The 3rd day,its冬至.Its the first time i celebrate wif my frens.Thx Hong and his relatives so much for bringing us nice food and汤圆。冬至没有汤圆就不是冬至了咯。。哈哈。感动莫~Miss tat nite.

The 4th day,we are goin back.After having breakfast,we goin to check out.After checking out,we went Spring again..haha..Before tat,i went to take oour手链 at Sarawak Plaza.Its so meaningful^^At Spring,we met wif Bernard,wif pinky shirt and also Joanne..haha..We take some pics at StarBuck.After taking photos,we are goin to airport,its time to leave Kuching,sad moment,miss those time thr.Haiz.

I miss my time wif my frens and also her.It gonna be a gd gd and perfect memory for mi.Sad to know tat goin to leave u guys soon.But for sure i wont forget bout u all^^