Boring, boring, boring, boring and still boring. Its the life style of Plymouth. Argh!
Thats why i am back here. That is the 1st reason why I am back here. The 2nd reason is i saw my friend, Bernard, he is back to his blogging life too. hahax!!
Chap chap~~ Skip this. No one wants to know how boring i am.
Staying in Plymouth for almost a year, but seems like i still can't find the best medicine to cure my home sickness. SHE is the only one who can cure my homesickness.. Aiks.. Miss my life in Malaysia so much! Outing with her, chit chatting with those peh friends, doing crazy stuff photo taking moment with them, wow wow wow, its really fun and enjoy in Msia. Can't figure out why the others love to stay in other country beside Msia. Msia is awesone! Isn't it?
Anyway, I am back now. And wanna share photo again. XD

This is the SHE i mean =)

New desktop PC

£1 Collection



Shoes collection..XD

I love the pinky the most..XD


Trying which shot is the best..

See..How boring is my life..