Wat a long period i dint update my blog..now i am busy preparing for my exam so i am nt goin to get on9 tat often.
18days more to SPM,today i think i am nt tat busy cmpared wif few days before.I am juz slacking whole day for today,I skip most of my classes in school and went to form3 classes and have fun wif them,they are so senang now,their face are fullfill wif joy.And i love watching Brian them dancing,although i cant join them anymore,but still i can feel the hapiness while dancing.
They are goin to perform the dance一支独秀 during 5 of Nov,now wat i can do is juz give them some advice,hope they can improve in their emotions during the dance,and some move they cant do it very well,hope then can improve it during the last few days.May god bless them..
And for Chloe,today i juz bring her to Vogue and Okuno.She said tat she wan to find a job cox she wan earn some money for buying a new hp during dis holiday,hope tat she can success during the interview and i will have a free meal.haha..XD
Feeling moody nowadays,maybe becox of exam stress and also becox of i am goin to leave all my fren soon.Sigh~Dun wish to leave them so early,and also my "her".Thinking of buying sth for her,but dunno wat to buy for her,feels like she gt everything too.Still thinking~...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Challenging 5x5 Rubix Cube
Exam Coming!!Wheres my study mood?!
SPM is coming soon..
Looking at the countdown!!
28Days more..
But dunno y i have no mood to study although i know SPM is juz around the corner..Haiz..
So many things will change in the coming 2 months..
Daddy leaving mi cox he is goin to work at Africa- - - - Sad..T.T
Moving into new house- - - -Happy~
Leaving my fren,my family and Her cox goin to Singapore- - - -Sad..T.T
Wont have any dancing performance on stage anymore- - - -Dun reli mind it
I will have my new life in the coming 2months..
But i would rather prefer my friends in Sibu
My life in Sibu~
Looking at the countdown!!
28Days more..
But dunno y i have no mood to study although i know SPM is juz around the corner..Haiz..
So many things will change in the coming 2 months..
Daddy leaving mi cox he is goin to work at Africa- - - - Sad..T.T
Moving into new house- - - -Happy~
Leaving my fren,my family and Her cox goin to Singapore- - - -Sad..T.T
Wont have any dancing performance on stage anymore- - - -Dun reli mind it
I will have my new life in the coming 2months..
But i would rather prefer my friends in Sibu
My life in Sibu~
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Jess Birthday
10/10/09 is a nice date and also Jess' birthday So my class help her organize a party at Pizza Hut.But onli few of us who close wif Jess attend nia.More fun like dis^^ Ard 530,i go Hush Puppy to buy a shirt for the party..It cost mi so much="."="RM99.90.So exp..make mi totally bankrupt for dis month.After tat mi go back and tidy up myself and set my hair.After tat i go out and 6.30 to bring Kelly,Eddy and Jess to Parkson.At thr,Kelly and Eddy went to have dinner,cox they nt reli know my frens.So mi,Jess,Jen and Sing Lieng,Osama wait for the others to come.Tat time Pizza Hut is full of ppl,luckily we still can have a seat.After few mins we sit down,Yen,Vic,Swee,Alex and Willis came.Then we order the food and wait" thr="."="Sianz the pizza hut de service so lousy,we wait thr for ard 1 hr,then they say they forget abt our order..WTF!!But they onli give us a free salad..sianz qu,make us starving thr.While waiting for our food,we take some pics.Some looks stupid.haha..Poor Vic,nt yet eat de jiu leave le,cox she wan to go Ah Lung to wash her hair wif her mummy.But we also veli gd lo,gt da pao for her.After we finish,its also quite late dy,my fren wanna go back liao,so we onli take a few pics.Miss a gd photo taking chance..haha.. 来看照片咯。。
My Hush Puppy T-shirt..XD

My Hush Puppy T-shirt..XD
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Simply write de..
Feels like wanna write sth here..
All about my feelings..
Dis post maybe a bit boring..
Cox onli some of u who know i mean..
At here,i would like to thx all my frens who accompany mi during quite a long period time,thx for u guys' supporting and comforting.Make my life more nice.Thx God to let mi have all of dis..
The one who let my mind grow the most:Choco Chew~(Thx ya,for teaching mi so much)
The one who support mi the most when i was hurt:Melda~
Those who support mi too for tat time:Swee,Fei,Cat,Evelyn,Calvin,Kat,Vic,Alex,Osama,Pang Soon,Joseph and Jackson.
The one who owes find mi out tat time:Fei&Cat
Most sayang mi de Jie Jie:Evelyn,Pauline Jie..XD
The one who makes mi smile owes in class:Ah swee
The one who have same ambition wif mi:Osama(quite a crazy ambition we have)
The one who owes kacau kacau 1 in class:Alex=.=
The one who be the female version楚留香among us:Jess
The one who help mi much in my maths:Yen&Osama&Jackson
My Ah Hia:Vic
Those who owes help mi in my dance:Brian,Adrian,Rina,Chloe,Irene
The one who owes support my dance and will try the best to go and watch my dance during my performance:Melda~
The one who always call mi bui bui:鸭鸭=.=Rachel..XD
And many more..and more and more to say here..
But cant list all of it out..
Thx all my frens^^
Love u guys
All about my feelings..
Dis post maybe a bit boring..
Cox onli some of u who know i mean..
At here,i would like to thx all my frens who accompany mi during quite a long period time,thx for u guys' supporting and comforting.Make my life more nice.Thx God to let mi have all of dis..
The one who let my mind grow the most:Choco Chew~(Thx ya,for teaching mi so much)
The one who support mi the most when i was hurt:Melda~
Those who support mi too for tat time:Swee,Fei,Cat,Evelyn,Calvin,Kat,Vic,Alex,Osama,Pang Soon,Joseph and Jackson.
The one who owes find mi out tat time:Fei&Cat
Most sayang mi de Jie Jie:Evelyn,Pauline Jie..XD
The one who makes mi smile owes in class:Ah swee
The one who have same ambition wif mi:Osama(quite a crazy ambition we have)
The one who owes kacau kacau 1 in class:Alex=.=
The one who be the female version楚留香among us:Jess
The one who help mi much in my maths:Yen&Osama&Jackson
My Ah Hia:Vic
Those who owes help mi in my dance:Brian,Adrian,Rina,Chloe,Irene
The one who owes support my dance and will try the best to go and watch my dance during my performance:Melda~
The one who always call mi bui bui:鸭鸭=.=Rachel..XD
And many more..and more and more to say here..
But cant list all of it out..
Thx all my frens^^
Love u guys
Thursday, October 8, 2009
New Bag..Yea~
Juz bought a new bag from Porsche..Its costs mi quite much xia..It cost mi RM109.90.My whole month pocket money onli left 60%=.=Haizduh..And at thr i saw so many new arrival shoes,all looks so nice and attractive..Makes mi feels like wan to go shopping again.Anyway i am goin to shopping this Sat,wanna buy new shoes again..XD..And also new shirts and Jess' presie.Cox her birthday coming this Sat and mi and my classmates are goin to celebrate for her and are goin to have fun together again..Waiting for Saturday coming,so exciting.Tomolo i will still nid to sit for my Add Maths exam.its also the last paper for my trial exam 2.Exams reli killing mi..Tiring~

Sunday, October 4, 2009
在一个星期的考试后就是农历八月十五,也就是中秋节。今年的中秋节和往年的有些不一样,今年的中秋节过得有点疯狂。当晚,我和家人到名厨餐厅吃晚饭,那里的食物不错下,而且服务也蛮周到下。在那里,我才吃了两碗就已经很饱了咯,后面的食物都是硬塞的。吃呀吃吃到了8点多我们就回家了。一到家,我拿了车钥匙然后就去找Kelly,Eddy和Ah Yew了。到了Kelly家,最然我惊讶的是Ah Yew的穿着,真的是好帅下莫。哈哈。。第一次看到叻,西装皮鞋。。哈哈。在Kelly家吃了月饼,聊天聊下我们就去提灯笼咯~在那里遇到了Ah Hong,然后我们就一起去有公园。走了几下我们又到兴化那里去了,在这里疯狂好笑的事来了,在那里有点阴深深的,可是我们还是下去走。走到亭子那里,Eddy,Ah Yew说要看我跳街舞,然后就在那里瞎跳了几下,真是的,中秋了从提灯笼变跳舞。哈哈。之后Ah Yew说要比伏地挺身,所以我们3个男的又在那里做笨蛋了。之后Eddy又提议赛跑,然后我们几个又傻傻的绕了兴化跑了一圈,跑好又累又喘又多汗。最可怜的还是Ah Yew还要穿着皮鞋跑叻。哈哈。。之后我们休息下,我就载他们回家了。哇~真是一个很特别的中秋节。太开心了,在最后在这里的几个月还能有这样的回忆,已经好满足了。尤其是能够与我的她一起渡过,太开心了咯^^当晚她还送了我一盒月饼和饼干,好好吃哦^^最让我遗憾的还是当晚没有拍很多照片,可是没关系啦=)

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