These are all abt the game:
Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a 2009 action computer and video game. Terminal Reality developed the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 versions, while Red Fly Studio developed the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Wii versions, and Zen Studios developed the Nintendo DS version.[2][8] In North America, all versions of the game were published by Atari,[3][9] while publishing in Europe for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 versions was handled by Sony Computer Entertainment.[4] The game was released amidst several delays in development and multiple publisher changes.[10]
The game, based on the Ghostbusters film franchise, follows the player's character as a new recruit in the Ghostbusters, a team of parapsychologists who pursue and capture ghosts. The game is modeled after a third-person shooter, but instead of using a traditional gun, players are equipped with a "proton pack", a laser beam-like weapon, and a ghost trap to fight and capture ghosts. [11]
Many of the principal cast members from the films were involved in the game's production. Each of the actors who portrayed the Ghostbusters in the films, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, and Ernie Hudson, lent their voices and likenesses to the in-game characters. [12] Aykroyd and Ramis, who wrote the films, also aided in minor script doctoring for the game.[13] Other film cast members, such as William Atherton, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Annie Potts lent their voices and likenesses to the game's characters. Ghostbusters: The Video Game also contains the soundtrack from the original Ghostbusters film, along with various characters, locations, and props featured in the films. [12] Ghostbusters creator Dan Aykroyd has said that "this is essentially the third movie."[14]
The game is a third-person shooter, placing players in the role of an original character simply known as "Rookie", a new recruit to the Ghostbusters team. Players control Rookie's movements as he explores the environments of each level, seeking out paranormal activities and ghosts, either alone or with up to all four of the other Ghostbusters. Players can switch to a first-person perspective by equipping the Rookie with the PKE Meter and goggles. In this mode, paranormal items are highlighted and the PKE Meter will help direct players to ghosts or haunted artifacts. Players can scan these elements to gain more information about them and receive a monetary reward. Weapons cannot be used in this mode.
Outside of the first-person view, players can aim and fire the proton pack's beam to weaken ghosts so they can be captured in a ghost trap. However, continuous use of the pack will cause it to overheat. The pack can be manually vented to cool it down. While the pack is overheated or being vented, players will momentarily be unable to use the pack's weapons. Once a ghost is weak enough, players can switch to the capture beam to manuever the ghost into a ghost trap. With a ghost in the capture beam, players can also execute a "slam" attack to force it against a hard surface, weakening it further and making it easier to trap the ghost. The capture beam can also be used to move objects in the environment.[12]
The single player campaign for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and 3, and Wii versions is the same. Over the course of the game, the proton pack is upgraded to include additional firing modes, a Stasis Stream, a Meson Collider, and a positively-charged Slime Blower, each with an alternate firing mode. The Slime Blower's alternative mode is a Slime Tether which can be used to pull objects together and to solve some environmental puzzles. By capturing ghosts, as well as identifying haunted artifacts and new species of ghosts using the PKE Meter, players earn in-game money to spend on upgrades to proton pack modes and ghost traps.[12] The game also tallies monetary destruction caused by the player, with Xbox 360 Achievements and PlayStation 3 Trophies awarded for either minimizing damage done, or for causing a high amount of damage.
In place of a traditional heads-up display, the player's health and weapon status are represented as meters on the rear of the proton pack. Health regenerates over time if the player does not take further damage. However, by taking more damage, they can be knocked down; if there are other Ghostbusters still standing, they will attempt to reach the player and revive him/her. Similarly, the player can help revive fallen team members. However, should all the active Ghostbusters fall, including the player, play will end and the player will have to restart at the last checkpoint.[12]
The Wii and PlayStation 2 differ slightly from the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC versions in some aspects. In addition to the "cartoon"-look graphics and the Wii version uses the Wii Remote for gameplay. Visual aspects of the interface are relocated, such as placing the proton pack's temperature meter as a HUD element instead of on the backpack. On the Wii and PlayStation 2 versions, the player "slams" a ghost by initiating a Simon Says-type game with the ghost. The option to play as a man or woman is only present in the Wii and Playstation 2 versions.[15][16] Many of the ghosts have differing designs or are exclusive to that platform game.
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